Past MITOS Student Researchers
From the beginning MITOS has hired student fellows to help drive campus sustainability projects. So far we hired 104 students. See below to read more about the talented students.
From the beginning MITOS has hired student fellows to help drive campus sustainability projects. So far we hired 104 students. See below to read more about the talented students.
Katya is a PhD student at the “Concrete Sustainability Hub” at the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Her passion lies in structural resiliency of the city scape to flood related natural disasters. Joining MIT office of sustainability in September of 2020 as a climate resiliency modeler and simulator, she is working on developing an improved method to assess, predict and mitigate storm and flood induced hazards. Her research project matches her work at MITOS, combining the projects she is using MIT campus as a test bed in her research work, trying to assess and mitigate natural disaster hazards as well as impacts of climate change on the severity of damages.
Dylan is a current sophomore from southern Virginia who has worked at MITOS for a year as a social media assistant, creating content and editing videos for the Instagram and YouTube accounts of MITOS. He is also working on the UA Sustain Garden and MacGregor Minihives, and he co-produces and broadcasts a WMBR radio show on Tuesdays at 10pm.
Sawyer is a rising Junior studying Finance at MIT. Last summer he worked at an Investment banking firm focusing mostly on the tech media industry. His work at MITOS focuses on scope 3 emissions analysis surrounding purchased goods. Sawyer is also a MIT Track and Field team member competing in the pole vault during the academic year.
Jordyn is a rising sophomore majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering. She's specifically interested in making cities and their infrastructure more resilient and sustainable. In her first year, she was part of the Terrascope learning community where she learned more about tackling large environmental problems. She has also done previous research on tree canopies over the decades and implementing hydroelectric power into water treatment plants. In her free time she enjoys crocheting and baking.
Megan Lim is a MIT 2024 business management graduate. Her interest lies in the innovation to deployment process; understanding the relationship between stakeholders, including educational systems, political systems, and the general public; prioritization, communication, and delegation frameworks; and system change in the context of tackling social issues like climate change. She was chair of the UA Innovation Committee and Logistics Lead for Banana Lounge for the past 3 years, and is working on a geothermal heat pump and thermal storage system project to decarbonize building clusters. At MITOS, she is working on low-to-zero waste strategies and student engagement with climate action.
Ananda is a rising senior majoring in Climate Systems Science and Engineering. Hailing from northeastern Brazil, she is very passionate about sustainability and the ways in which science can help us improve systems and create a more equitable world. She has previously studied areas such as food systems, carbon markets, and international climate negotiations, and was a Scholar through the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium. A first-generation, low-income student, she also loves engaging with student advocacy on campus, and is currently Vice-President for MIT’s Dormitory Council. In her free time, you will often find her geeking out about movies, books, and theater (especially Shakespeare!), or walking around Boston.
Becky Xu is a Master's student at MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning, specializing in data-driven solutions for climate resiliency. Her research encompasses renewable energy infrastructure, decarbonizing the built environment, and climate action strategies. She has experience in climate risk analytics, city-level clean energy and climate planning, environmental justice research, and net-zero building design.In her free time, Becky designs websites, creates marketing materials, and manages social media for student organizations like the MIT Energy & Climate Club. With a background in computational design and fabrication, she also enjoys dancing with the MIT Asian Dance Team.
Ippolyti Dellatolas, PhD Candidate Mechanical Engineering- Climate Action
Jie Fan, MS Architecture 2024 - Data Analyst
Rebecca Houston-Read, MCP 2024 - Data Analyst
Sanjana Paul, MCP 2025 - Heat Risk
Erika Pilpre, MIT 2025 - Sustainable Food and Dining
Manasa Acharya, Harvard MA 2023 - Environmental Justice
Cheng-Hsin Chan, SMArchS 2024 - Climate Resiliency and Adaptation Planning
Nathan Kim, MIT 2026 - Design out Waste
Njeri, MIT 2024 - Carbon Offset
Yihong Amy Chen, MIT 2026 - Climate Communications, Design
Thea Feldgoise, Tufts 2024 - Sustainable Building Materials
Ana Fiallo, MS MIT 2024 - Scope 3 GHG Analyst
Janka Hamori, MIT 2025 - Climate Action - Waste
Mahwish Khalil, SMArchS 2024 - Climate Action
Katelyn McVay, MSP 2024 MIT - Campus Heat Risk
Dhwani Mehta, MSP 2024 MIT - Climate Action
Shanan Kumar Powell, MBA MIT 2023 - Climate Action
Pimpakarn Rattanathumawat (Prim), MS 2023 - Climate Communications, Design
Maaya Prasad, MS 2024 MIT - Climate Communications, Writing
Melissa Stok, MIT 2024 - Design out Waste
Anushree Chaudhuri, MIT 2024 - Climate Change Scope 3
Vivian Chinoda, MIT 2025 - Electric Vehicle
Ippolyti Dellatolas, MIT 2024, MA - Climate Action
Doris Qingyi Duanmu, SMarchS MIT 2023 - Electric Vehicle
David Gottdiener, MS MIT 2023 - Climate Impact Goals
Anna Lander, SB 22, MIT - Sustainability Data Analytics
Sheng-Hung Lee, MS MIT 2022 - Safe and Sustainable Labs
Danielle Moore, MSP 2023 MIT - Campus Environmental Justice
Pimpakarn Rattanathumawat - MS 2023, MIT - Climate Resiliency
Shu-Yang Zhang, MIT 2024 - Electric Vehicle
Ziyuan Zhu - MS 2022 - Circular Design
Darya Guettler, SB, MIT - Climate Change Scope 3
Asia Hypsher, SB, MIT - Campus Environmental Justice
Eva Then, SB, MIT - Climate Resiliency
Grace Cassidy, MEng, MIT - Sustainability Reporting
Darya Guettler, SB, MIT - Climate Change Scope 3
Asia Hypsher, SB, MIT - Campus Environmental Justice
Piero Orderique, MIT 2024 - Climate Resiliency
Isy Osubor, SB, MIT - Writing and Digital Engagement
Diane Zhang, MIT 2023 - Data-Driven Sustainability Reporting
Diego Castillo Peredo, MCP, MIT - Climate Resiliency
Effie Jia, SB, MIT - Design and Digital Outreach
Joseph Elsherbini, PhD, MIT - Data Analytics
Julia Field, MCP, MIT - Carbon Neutrality - South America
Shail Joshi, MCP, MIT - Water Stewardship
Katherine Liew, SM, MIT - Writing, Design, and Digital Engagement
Yael Nidam, MCP, MIT - Climate Resiliency
Taylor Safrit, SM, MIT - Data Analytics
Mary Hannah Smith, MCP, MIT - Climate Change Resiliency
Tianyu Su, MCP, MIT - Data Analytics Transportation
Joseph Elsherbini, PhD, MIT - Data Analytics
Emma Homstad, Tufts - Sustainable Procurement
Effie Jia, SB, MIT - Design and Digital Outreach
Kashaf Nawal Momin, Georgetown - Food Systems
Yael Nidam, MCP, MIT - Climate Resiliency
Tianyu Su, MCP, MIT - Data Analytics Transportation
Audrey Bazerghi, SM and MBA, MIT - Sustainability Leadership Fellow
Sabira Lakhani, SM, MIT - Materials Management
Theresa Machemer, SB, MIT - Writing and Digital Outreach Fellow
Soma Mitra-Behura, SB, MIT - Urban Farm and Garden
Jasmine Qin, SM, MIT - Climate Resiliency
Yue Wu, SM, MIT - Analytics and Visualization – Material Matters
Julian Victor Barber SMME, MIT - Energy Analytics
Karine Ip Kiun Chong, PhD, MIT - Analytics and Visualization
Harry Kelso, Whitman College - Urban Living Lab
Skylar Lewis, Dartmouth - Sustainable Materials Management
Soma Mitra-Behura, SB, MIT - Urban Farm and Garden
Rachel Moskowitz, Smith - Climate Change Resiliency
Sunil Yernagula, UConn - Analytics and Visualization
Effie Jia, SB, MIT - Communications, Design, and Digital Strategy
Yimou (Andrew) Li, MSF, MIT - Analytics and Visualization
Cristina Logg, MCP, MIT - Sustainable Procurement
Rachel Perlman, PhD, MIT - Sustainable Materials Management
Faina Rozental, MBA, MIT - Climate change Resiliency
Nehal Davda, UConn - Analytics and Visualization
Brent Ginsberg, NYU - Climate Change Resiliency
Cristina Logg, MCP, MIT - Sustainable Procurement
Rachel Perlman, PhD, MIT - Sustainable Materials Management
Frankie Schembri, SM, MIT - Communications, Design, and Outreach
Sebastian Torrente, Tufts - Urban Living Lab
Dora Aldama, MBA and SM, MIT - Sustainable Procurement
Zachary Lamb, PhD, MIT - Climate Change Resiliency
Louis Liss, MCP, MIT - Cambridge Community Innovation
Elizabeth Rider, SB, MIT - Analytics and Visualization
Hannah Jun, Smith - Technical Research
Erin Kenney, MCP, MIT - Technical Research
Xiao (Frank) Li, Bentley - Data and Metrics
Catherine Nabukalu, UPenn - Food Systems
Kimberly Meersma, Mt. Holyoke - Writing and Engagement